QR Codes for the creative business person by Chris Thomas
A well illustrated and accessible compendium of information and links on QR Codes for the creative business person. With your mobile phone, this is transformed into a web enabled book with 100+ additional informative web pages by the sources linked to
QR Codes on your items or products can link your customers directly to information or online through their mobile phones. They are a fantastic tool for your business.
If you want to understand what QR Codes are; if you want to use QR Codes but do not know how; if you want a QR Code that is more imaginative than a stark black box for marketing campaigns – then this book is for you.
The book assumes no prior knowledge. It aims to introduce you to the basics of QR Codes. You learn why people use them. More importantly you are shown how to read and create your own QR Codes. You can then choose how to use QR Codes, whether for your contact details, information or promotions.
I am Chris Thomas, Director of Milton Contact Ltd. The company helps businesses communicate in print, pictures and person, in the UK and internationally. Business people are creative. I wrote this book to share the knowledge gained on using QR Codes creatively so that you can too.
QR Codes for the creative business person is a full colour, 108 page A5 book, containing 100+ unique QR Codes in 100 illustrations, of which 11 are photographs and 13 are graphics. Some of the QR Codes contain hidden text, most provide links to relevant websites, extending the book by a large number of articles and information by the sources referred to.Short links are also provided for those reading the book with a PC/Mac/Laptop/Notebook or tablet at hand who cannot imediately acces the QR Code encoded links with their mobile.
This book introduces you to QR Codes from the perspective of a business person, rather than a technical geek.
The aim is to provide you with as little or as much information as you need to make a decision about whether and how you can use QR Codes within your business. It also points the way to using QR Codes more imaginatively, both in applications and design.
The overall structure of the book starts with basic concepts and enough information to get started. Further examples and additional information follow with the highly technical information at the end.
However, the structure is also such that you can dip in to chapters that interest you at the moment.
The content or link of each QR code is also given in for reference in the back of the book. Each QR Code has been modified creatively.
The book is now available on Kindle at £2.02, click here.