Beautiful Arabella follows her sister Leonora to the Beautiful Garden, but things don’t go quite as expected
When stars look down, they are enchanted by the Beautiful Garden.
Arabella’s sister, Shiny Star Leonora, has already visited the Beautiful Garden. Now Arabella is filled with a desire to follow in her sister’s footsteps and have her own adventures. Her wish is granted, but not in the way she expects. She awakes as a caterpillar!
Through her own struggles she discovers the beauty and purpose of flowers and plants. And then there is the curious and peckish sparrow.
Shiny Star Leonora introduced us to The Beautiful Garden. Now Arabella invites us to share her adventure.
Illustrated throughout with Gloria’s beautiful paintings, this lovely book is aimed at older children.
ISBN: 978-0-9933337-5-0
36 pages – staple bound
19 Full colour illustrations
RRP £12.00
To purchase a copy please email Gloria at gloria968@gmail.com
Now also available from Amazon as a Kindle e-book:
Price approx. £2.15
For more information about Leonora, Arabella, Gloria and her paintings, please visit her website:www.glorialoringsart.co.uk