Networking Bites by Siobhan Costello

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Networking Bites 1: The Memorable Minute

The Memorable Minute is the first in a new series of Networking Bites – small bite-sized guides to help you build your business through face to face networking.

“The Memorable Minute takes you through the process of writing a pitch that gets you the clients you really want to work with and a return on your networking investment,” says author Siobhan Costello.

Siobhan is founder of two businesses and runs seven successful network groups for business women in the UK. She is passionate about showing other women how they can build their businesses.

Wirebound (stapled) – 28 colour pages

ISBN: 978-0-9929289-6-4

RRP £7.00

Copies are available from the author. Please email Siobhan at

More information can be found on Siobhan’s website: